The types of information sources, the number of reports, the interview/report outline, and other elements vary according to your market and Key Focus. However, most studies are structured somewhat similarly and would contain the following “deliverables”.
Key Focus
Every study has a primary objective that defines “what is at stake” for the Client or what you are trying to accomplish. After thorough discussion, we mutually identify your Key Focus, which serves as the mission statement for study.
Customer Reports
Highly customized interview results organized to present the in-depth viewpoints of executives and influencers at current, lost, shared, or prospective customers. Most studies include 20 to 30 Customer Reports from key accounts, but some include 60 or more.
Other Reports (Optional)
Some Client’s objectives can be best addressed by interviewing Market or Subject Matter experts. These sources could include suppliers, competitors, companies in adjacent market segments, internal customers, trade groups, or others.
Interim Reviews
Individual reports are sent to you over the course of the project. Conference calls and discussions provide clarifications of the findings, opportunities to pursue new paths discovered, and insight of the conclusions as they are formed.
Summary document of highlights from the individual report, graphs & charts, plus observations relating to the study’s Key Focus. We send you several bound copies of the final study, including all reports and the Overview.
Results Presentation
A meeting in which the Project Manager presents the study findings, addresses questions, and helps facilitate discussion regarding any decisions or directions suggested by the results.